Saturday, 31 March 2012

Moneybookers donate button code

<form action="””" method="”post”" target="”_blank”">
<legend>Donate with Moneybookers</legend>
<input name="”pay_to_email”" type="”hidden”" value="”“" />
Please enter the amount you would like to give<br />
<input name="”return_url”" type="”hidden”" value="”“" />
<input name="”language”" type="”hidden”" value="”EN”" />
<select name="”currency”" size="”1″">
<option>Select a currency</option>
<option value="”USD”">US dollar</option>
<option value="”GBP”">GB pound</option>
<option value="”EUR”">Euro</option>
<option value="”JPY”">Yen</option>
<option value="”CAD”">Canadian $</option>
<option value="”AUD”">Australian $</option>


<input name="”amount”" size="”10″" type="”text”" value="”5.00″" />
<input“="" help="" name="”detail1_description”" support="" to="" type="”hidden”" value="”donation" />

<input“="" help="" name="”detail1_text”" support="" to="" type="”hidden”" value="”donation" />
<input a="" alt="”click"”="" donation="" make="" to="" type="”submit”" value="”Donate!”" />

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Top 10 Rated PHP Frameworks

1. Yii

Yii is a component-based high-performance PHP framework for developing large-scale Web applications. Yii is written in strict OOP and comes with thorough class reference and comprehensive tutorials. From MVC, DAO/ActiveRecord, widgets, caching, hierarchical RBAC, Web services, to theming, I18N and L10N, Yii provides nearly every feature needed by today’s Web 2.0 application development. And all these come without incurring much overhead. As a matter of fact, Yii is one of the most efficient PHP frameworks around.

2. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

3. CakePHP

CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like ActiveRecord, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications, without any loss to flexibility.

4. PHPDevShell

PHPDevShell is an Open Source (GNU/LGPL) Rapid Application Development framework written using only PHP with no Javascript and comes with a complete GUI admin interface. It is aimed at developing admin based applications as plugins, where speed, security, stability and flexibility are essentials. It is designed to have a very easy learning curve without complicated new terms to learn. The need for a light, fully functional GUI with limitless configuration brought forward PHPDevShell. We strive to keep direction and focus in our development according to our moto.

5. Akelos

The Akelos PHP Framework is a web application development platform based on the MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern. Based on good practices, it allows you to:

Write views using Ajax easily
Control requests and responses through a controller
Manage internationalized applications
Communicate models and the database using simple conventions.
Your Akelos based applications can run on most shared hosting service providers since Akelos only requires that PHP be available at the server. This means that the Akelos PHP Framework is the ideal candidate for distributing standalone web applications as it does not require any non-standard PHP configuration to run.

6. Symfony

Symfony is a web application framework for PHP5 projects.

It aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure.

The very small number of prerequisites make symfony easy to install on any configuration; you just need Unix or Windows with a web server and PHP 5 installed. It is compatible with almost every database system. In addition, it has a very small overhead, so the benefits of the framework don’t come at the cost of an increase of hosting costs.

Using symfony is so natural and easy for people used to PHP and the design patterns of Internet applications that the learning curve is reduced to less than a day. The clean design and code readability will keep your delays short. Developers can apply agile development principles (such as DRY, KISS or the XP philosophy) and focus on applicative logic without losing time to write endless XML configuration files.

Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized. To match your enterprise’s development guidelines, symfony is bundled with additional tools helping you to test, debug and document your project.

7. Prado

The PRADO group is a team of PRADO enthusiasts who develop and promote the PRADO framework and the related projects.

Team Members
Qiang Xue - founder of PRADO framework, core development
Xiang Wei Zhuo - core development (javascripts, active controls, DB controls, tests)
Jason Ragsdale - site and forum administration
Knut Urdalen - test, marketing
Carl G. Mathisen - design and document comment system
Christophe Boulain - component development, test
Michael Hartl - component development, test
Eirik Hoem - core development
Yves Berkholz - core development
Past Team Members
Alex Flint, Brian Luft, John Teague, Todd Patrick, Pim van der Zwet, Tim Evans, Alban Hanry, Marcus Nyeholt

History of PRADO
The very original inspiration of PRADO came from Apache Tapestry. During the design and implementation, I borrowed many ideas from Borland Delphi and Microsoft ASP.NET. The first version of PRADO came out in June 2004 and was written in PHP 4. Driven by the Zend PHP 5 coding contest, I rewrote PRADO in PHP 5, which proved to be a wise move, thanks to the new object model provided by PHP 5. PRADO won the grand prize in the Zend contest, earning high votes both from the public and from the judges’ panel.

In August 2004, PRADO was hosted on SourceForge as an open source project. Soon after, the project site was announced to public. With the fantastic support of PRADO developer team and PRADO users, PRADO evolved to version 2.0 in mid 2005. In this version, Wei Zhuo contributed to PRADO with the excellent I18 and L10N support.

In May 2005, we decided to completely rewrite the PRADO framework to resolve a few fundamental issues found in version 2.0 and to catch up with some cool features available in Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0. After nearly a year’s hard work with over 50,000 lines of new code, version 3.0 was finally made available in April 2006.

Starting from version 3.0, significant efforts are allocated to ensure the quality and stability of PRADO. If we say PRADO v2.x and v1.x are proof-of-concept work, we can say PRADO 3.x has grown up to a serious project that is suitable for business application development.

8. Zend

Extending the art & spirit of PHP, Zend Framework is based on simplicity, object-oriented best practices, corporate friendly licensing, and a rigorously tested agile codebase. Zend Framework is focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern Web 2.0 applications & web services, and consuming widely available APIs from leading vendors like Google, Amazon, Yahoo!, Flickr, as well as API providers and cataloguers like StrikeIron and ProgrammableWeb.
Expanding on these core themes, we have implemented Zend Framework to embody extreme simplicity & productivity, the latest Web 2.0 features, simple corporate-friendly licensing, and an agile well-tested code base that your enterprise can depend upon.

9. ZooP

The Zoop Object Oriented Php Framework (The Zoop PHP Framework for short). A framework written in and for php.

The Zoop PHP Framework is stable, scalable and portable. It has been in production use for the last 5 years and has been used in many production environments. The Zoop PHP Framework is designed to be fast, efficient and clean. It is easily extendable and you choose to include only the functionality you use.

With Zoop an inexperienced coder can make secure web applications quickly. A more experienced coder will really appreciate how flexible The Zoop PHP Framework is. Both experienced and inexperienced coders alike will appreciate the automations that are at his/her disposal to handle mundane tasks.

The Zoop PHP Framework encourages separation of display, logic and data layers(MVC).

The Zoop PHP Framework is made up of many components and integrates many different projects including smarty ( and the prototype AJAX framework. It also makes use of PEAR modules ( The efficient core components handle many of the functions you would have to code yourselves. Zoop’s integrated error handling can be configured to log errors for production environments, and is highly informative and readable which makes bugs easy to find and squash.

Zoop has been designed to make the developers life easier by providing tools to make efficient use of his/her time. On of our more unique and notable features is our implementation of GuiControls, a revolutionary idea in PHP that provides many form widgets with validation completely integrated, as well as a framework to develop your own guiControls extremely easily.

10. QPHP

QPHP stands for Quick PHP and is a MVC framework similar as architecture to ASP.NET.
I, as the author of the project, have spent the last 8 years working on web projects using various Java frameworks, ASP.NET and PHP. This framework tries to get the best of the above platforms as well as to avoid the problematic parts. Basically it:

Brings the elegance of Java and C#
Drops all Perl like bizzare statements that other PHP frameworks use
Relies extensively on OOP concepts
Code-behind approach is used, so every webpage consists of 2 files:

.PHP - presentation logic
.PHP.SCRIPT - business/programming logic
Less than 70 classes
Less than 300K in size
3 years of internal use
Works with PHP4/PHP5
Easy database access
Fast and stable
Event driven, component based
AJAX compatible
I18N support
View/Session/Application states
Simple input validation
5 menu controls

Referenced from:

Magento 503 Service Unavailable Error - Help Required

There might be some issues.

1. Maybe you can try to modify the .htaccess file .

2. 503 Service unavailable error is usually the server down problem.

3. Lasted Installed extension issue. (remove/disable and run)

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Free Scrum Master Tools

There are many commercial tools available. But, here is the list of free tools that are used for Agile/Scrum project management.

1. Agile Tracking Tool
Agile Tracking Tool is a free open source tool that helps in knowing how much work is in progress and blocked. It maintains your backlog items with categories and lets you add acceptance criteria and comments on the backlog item. It provides support to measure iteration velocity and forecasts when work will be done using the measured velocity.
More info here.

2. Kunagi
Kunagi offers integrated project management, supplementing Scrum by a selection of other best practices to cover all project management needs. It does not only offer management of basic Scrum documents, but also a variety of additional data.
More info here.

3. ScrumDo
ScrumDo’s focus on scrum fundamentals, simplicity, and ease of use make it truly unique.
More info here.

4. Express
Express is an open source, Agile project management tool. It provides tools for managing and tracking stories and tasks, projects and iterations.
More info here.

5. Scrumy
Scrumy is a project management tool based on Scrum.
More info here.

6. PangoScrum
PangoScrum is a free online tool for Scrum that lets you improve continually your efficiency while delivering. It provides a simple and friendly interface to write, estimate and rank priorities in your product backlog through. In PangoScrum the dates of your planning, review and retrospective meetings will be scheduled in a calendar for easy display and access.
More info here.

7. Scrumpy
Scrumpy is a free, standalone, 100% Java application specifically designed to help a Scrum Product Owner maintain a Backlog of User Stories.Scrumpy’s feature set has been carefully scoped to compliment your existing Scrum practices i.e. the ones involving a wall, sticky pieces of paper and people talking to each other. It assists with your day to day Backlog maintenance and provides you with a meaningful long term view that helps you to manage the expectation of your stakeholders.
More info here.

8. Agilito
Agilito is an open source, browser-based agile management tool that aims to do just enough for you to effectively and efficiently manage projects using an Agile methodology. It provides all that are required for Scrum project management.
More info here.

9. Banana Scrum
Banana Scrum is a web based, online tool for teams practicing agile development, primarily Scrum. It was developed as a result of Codesprinters team’s experience in creating high quality web applications . It is meant to replace project walls, index cards and other paraphernalia of the paper age long gone.
More info here.

10. Sprintometer
Sprintometer is a free and simple user friendly application with modern GUI for Agile projects’ management and tracking. It can be used for management of SCRUM and XP projects. To simplify data exchange with external programs all charts and spreadsheets in Sprintometer can be exported to Microsoft Excel.
More info here.

11. Agilo for Scrum
Agilo is a free and flexible, web-based tool to support the Scrum process. Agilo delivers streamlined functionalities for managing Scrum. It’s free and open source, and can be used without limitations.  It is highly configurable to adapt to your specific workflow. It is designed and developed for Teams, Scrum Master, Product Owner and for all Stakeholder who are involved in the project.
More info here.

12. Agilefant
Alilefant is a free and open source tool for project and iteration management.  Agilefant is capable of bringing together long-term product and release planning, portfolio management and daily work of the entire organization.
More info here.

iMeta Agility – Community Edition (Discontinued)
iMeta Agility is a Silverlight application for the management of Scrum projects. The iMeta Agility’s Community Edition gives you full access to the system for teams of up to 5 members for FREE. It provides every essential feature that is needed by Scrum like Online Multi User, Product Backlog, Story Management, Sprint Management, Task Board and Burndown Chart.
More info here.

IceScrum 2 (No more)
IceScrum 2 is a free and open source tool to manage a project using scrum. It lets you add stories to your product backlog, divide time in sprints and add stories from the backlog to a sprint. Users can pick up stories in the sprint backlog, estimate them, and complete them. You can also add tests on a story.
More info here.

OLD Scrum Master in Under 10 Minutes by hamids

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Quick Understanding For Magento Multistore

Quick Review for Multi-Store Functionality

What’s Magento Multi Store?

Magento ships with a number of very powerful features under the hood that go mostly unnoticed by the folks that install and use it on a daily basis. The feature we’re looking at today, the multi store functionality happens to be one of those; and arguably, it’s one of the most advanced ones. There isn’t a general vernacular for this feature so I’ll be just calling it multi store from now on.
Using this multi store functionality, we can use a single Magento installation and use it to power any number [within technical limits, of course] of stores or websites. This is definitely a godsend for stores that would like to sell products on different domains but would like to have a unified administrative centre. If you need even more granular control, you can set up different, separate stores under the same domain to differentiate between items even better.

Step 1: Initial Preparations
First up, if you’re on your local server, you probably entered nothing for the URL during the installation and thus Magento has the default value stored. We’ll need to change to point it to a concrete location. We’ll do it quickly right now.

Go to System -> Configuration and under the Web category, change the base URL value to reflect your local set up. I have mine working under a predictably named Magento directory thus my URL. Please remember to add the trailing slash.

With that out of the way, we can get to the next step: creating a root category for the new store. You may ask why. My reasoning is that with the additional stores, the number of prospective categories will increase as well. With organizational structure in mind, it makes sense to keep each store’s categories in a separate root category. We’ll be creating one now.

Just give a name to the new category and make sure it’s set to active.

Finally, set the is anchor value to yes as well. This is important.

Step 2: Setting up the New Site

First, we’ll set up the new site in Magneto’s back end.

In the resulting screen, key in a name for the site as well as a code for it. Neither is really important, other than that both need to be unique.

Step 3: Setting up the New Store

Now we’ll move on creating a new store.

This should be self-explanatory. We set the website and category to the ones we created a few steps back. The name of the store is just for human readability, so feel free to name it as you like. I know having the same name for the store and category is a little confusing here. Feel free to name it as you like in your installations. There’s no concrete naming scheme here for you to follow.

Step 4: Setting up the New Store View

Again, these steps should be fairly self-explanatory. We select the appropriate website and store for the view along with keying in a name and code for it. Additionally, remember to set its state to enable. It may seem obvious, but we tend to forget it, so I thought a quick “heads up” was in order.
With these, most of the back end work in Magento comes to an end. We’ll need to revisit this later so for now we’ll focus on

Step 5: Prepping the New Domain

This is the easiest step there is. Just FTP into the server with the working Magento installation and copy the index.php file as well as the htaccess file over to the new domain.

Open up index.php and look for the following code at around line 45,

$mageFilename = '$mageFilename = 'app/Mage.php';';
Change it to the following.
$mageFilename = '../magento/app/Mage.php';

Remember to point it to the Mage.php file of the working installation. Both my sites run under sub folders in my server so I just ask it to go a directory up, go into the magento folder, into the app folder and then access the required file. Depending on your server set up, this may vary, for example, your main installation may be in your account root while the other site may be under a parked domain. In that case, the following code will do.

$mageFilename = '../app/Mage.php';
As I said, just make sure you point Magento to the right location

Step 6: Making it all Work – the HTACCESS file

Now open up the copied htaccess file and append the following to it.

SetEnvIf Host .*base.* MAGE_RUN_CODE="base";
SetEnvIf Host .* mobile_site_2.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE="mobile_site_2";

Simple as that! Note that we’ve used the website code we keyed in earlier. If you don’t remember it, just go back in and copy it over. This is very important so make sure typos are avoided.

Step 7: Final Steps

We’re pretty much done now. Just the final few steps before we get everything working.
Go to System->Configuration and choose the web tab. 

As shown in the picture above, please change the redirect to base URL to “no.”

If you’ve noticed that the select element on the left has extra options now, you get a cookie! Now that we have different stores, we can now change their settings and store policies on a per store basis.
Access our second store’s view and choose the web tab.

Uncheck the use website checkbox and change the base URL to the URL of your second domain. For this article, I did everything on my local server so I have a sub-folder imaginatively named magento-2 as a container for my second store front.
Click on save. And that’s about it. Go to your second domain and start browsing through your catalog!